When it came time to put a name to my concept for a blog, I had a LOT of ideas. Many of these concepts included the words adventure, remote, freelance, work, and lifestyle.
But when it came down to it – this blog is a place for me to share my adventures and lifestyle that I am creating by working remotely.
Many of us really changed our ideas of what we thought about our lives, and where we were at – physically, in our careers, in relationships, and/or at this stage in our lives – during the COVID-19 pandemic. Before and during the pandemic, I was working odd hours, way more than 40 hours a week, and had a job that brought me a lot of pride. But I didn’t have many close personal relationships or recent travels to show. My lifestyle wasn’t matching what I envisioned for my 30s. When the opportunity came up to go back to working remotely (but in a full-time job, this time) – I struggled with what should have been a very easy decision. Less working hours, more autonomy, more flexibility, and overall less stress – this should have been a no-brainer. But I think my job made up a bit of who I was, and changing the job was difficult BUT necessary to change my lifestyle.
As I embark on the adventure of what earning my income remotely will allow me to do, I thought it would be cool to share with others. My job is far from being the only remote opportunity; whether full-time or freelance – there are more opportunities now than there ever were before. It may be one of the few bright spots from the pandemic.
On these pages, I hope to share with you ideas of ways to earn a good living while having the lifestyle you dream about; all of us have a different picture. My picture (currently) involves my pup, a camper, a good book, and a G&T after a good day of productive work – hopefully somewhere with a nice view.
So – that’s why this blog is called Earning Adventures. Let’s go earn a good wage AND live adventurous lives!