If this were a book, I’d be your narrator. Hi, my name is Kaitlyn Spinney and I’m super glad you are here!

I’m a dog-loving, adventure enthusiast who loves to travel, golf, read, hike, paddleboard, kayak, camp, and so much more. I have spent most of my career working remotely and/or freelance so I can enjoy these things even more.

How I Started Freelancing

Growing up in a house with an entrepreneur for a dad, really helped me to see this as an actual career path option. I never grew up thinking I *had* to work for someone else. In high school, I worked every job I thought I wanted to do as a career (photographer, marketer, bed & breakfast manager). Along the way, I met lots of consultants and experts who provided support as freelancers to the small businesses I worked for.

As college graduation approached in 2010, the economy and hiring market were not improving. After graduating top of my class, I struggled to find a job that sparked my interest. So I freelanced – a lot. I provided marketing support to small and medium-sized businesses all over the country. Eventually, I got a full-time job because, frankly, I thought I had to. While working full-time, I continued to maintain a handful of freelance clients. Now, over 10 years later, I work remotely full-time for Nicki K Media and maintain a docket of 3-5 freelance clients needing help with hiring/recruiting, marketing, business strategy, and project management.

Why I Started Earning Adventures

As you can imagine, I get asked a lot of questions about this lifestyle that I have chosen. So I figured, why not answer them?

Enter: Earning Adventures. This is my online place to share all things work and fun – and how to have a life with both.

My goal is to help others to find remote jobs (full-time, part-time, or side gigs) so they can chase a more adventurous life. Check out these resources – it’s like a choose-your-own-adventure story; just pick which route interests you the most and I’ll connect you with top resources.

Work from home or work remotely as an employee

Find a side hustle you can do on your own time part-time OR start a full-time freelance career

Thanks for checking out Earning Adventures!
