Interested in working with me? From 1:1 coaching calls, sponsorships (of blog content, social media & YouTube), and large-scale freelancing projects—there are a few options.

1:1 Coaching Calls

Looking for some help with your freelancing or remote work journey? I’d love to help! As someone who does hiring for different organizations, I can help put you in touch with different recruiters, pick which job site is right for you, or help you decide your next step in your freelancing journey. Freelancing doesn’t have to be scary – and it’s much easier with an experienced freelancer to light the path and guide the way.

Interested in a 1:1 call? Calls start at $100/hour; to receive your booking link, please email: [email protected].


My blog covers topics about freelancing, working remotely, and side gigs so my readers can also chase adventures – like traveling to new cities, being a digital nomad, or just having more time to be outdoors doing activities like hiking, camping, or golfing.

I’m very selective about the brands I work with when it comes to sponsored blog posts and relevant sponsorships on social media and YouTube. I look to work with partners who want to reach—and provide genuine value to my audience. Send me an email at [email protected]m for more details.

Freelancing Projects

If you are looking for someone to help systemize, automate, and improve the efficiency of your organization or mentor your upcoming Online Business Manager, please reach out. If I have the bandwidth for the project, I’d love to help and be a resource.