Favorite Dog Gear

One of my most recent adventures I have taken on is fostering dogs. Each time I meet the new dog parents, they always ask for my gear recommendations. So I thought I’d put it on my blog this morning.

“What Do You Do for Work?”

“How’d you get a remote job?!” OR “Wow! You’re so lucky!” OR “I could never work from home full time” are the three most common responses when people learn that I am working remotely full time.

Hallock: The Perfect Day Trip

For the past few years, I have enjoyed escaping to Hallock, Minnesota from Grand Forks. This little, rural town is unlike any other. What small town do you know of that has a brewery, a wine bar, AND a distillery?! None!

Work from Home Office Set Up

Having my office just the way I like is one of the biggest keys to my level of Get Sh*t Done (GSD) in a day. When I moved back to a WFH role, I took two weeks between jobs to find just the right pieces and tech to make it all work for me.